Dare to Live Generously

Because Jesus was first generous toward us.
Give Now

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce.” Proverbs 3:9 

The journey of generosity

Give Something 

It can feel daunting to start prioritizing God first in our finances. Our recommendation is to start with a percentage of your income that is realistic yet faith-stretching.

Give the Tithe

Tithing—a Scriptural principle that teaches us to give the first 10% of our income to the local church—is one of the most tangible ways to trust and worship God.

Give Generously

Generosity starts at 10.01%. Anything above and beyond the tithe moves beyond obedience and into the realm of daring to live generously. Sacrificial generosity honors God and inspires generations to experience and express the love of Jesus!

It’s not about money. It’s about the heart.

Jesus challenges his followers to be rich toward God because He knows that our hearts follow our wallets (Matthew 6:21). The first penny from every paycheck reflects our greatest passion. When we give to God first, we demonstrate that our relationship with God is our highest priority, and that we trust him for our provision. 


Click Here to use our handy Budgeting Tool.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card. 

Give In-Person

Give by cash or check at one of our Sunday gatherings at 9:00 am + 10:30 am | 2905. N. Louisiana Dr. Celina, TX, 75009 

Mail a check

Payable to:  

Portrait Church  
2750 South Preston Rd.  
Suite #116-212  
Celina, TX 75009


*To give land, stocks, crypto or other, email hello@weareportrait.church