Everyone's Welcome.
Nobody's Perfect.That’s what makes us a perfect canvas for God’s grace.
Portrait represents an invitation to look againWhy We Exist
People have an incomplete picture of God that keeps them from experiencing all God has for them. That’s true whether you’re new to church, have been away from church, or grew up in church…there is always more to see and experience of God.
Our mission is to inspire generations to experience + express the love of Jesus
Pastors + Accountability + Affiliations
Our Pastor
David + Jenna Smullin
David and Jenna are the pioneers of Portrait Church. David serves as the Lead Pastor, while Jenna oversees operations. David communicates God’s word in a culturally relevant way that will inspire your faith and refresh your perspective of God. His journey into ministry is a bit unique. He worked in advertising sales for 12 years before feeling called to ministry through serving at his home church, Rock Creek. David earned his master’s in Biblical Studies and Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He also loves hockey and gummy bears (Haribo brand specifically).
Jenna holds her master’s in Education Administration. Together, they have two boys – Matt and Cam, and one furboy – Max. Jenna says there is too much testosterone in the house, and staying caffeinated is her way of keeping up.
Portrait is a non-denominational church in North Texas. We define our structure as pastor-guided, elder-guarded, and gifted with wise counsel. Portrait is involved with church planting across the United States through our affiliation with Converge and Vision Texas. We also maintain a close relationship with our ‘mother‘ church, Rock Creek Church, in Prosper, Texas.
While Portrait is innovative, what we believe about God is not. Our core beliefs are centered on Christ and God’s message as found in the Bible.About God
There is one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Each person is equal in nature, equal in glory, yet distinct in relations.
Deut. 6:4; Mk. 12:28-29; Gen. 1:1; Ps. 90:2; Jn. 14:7; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14
God the Father eternally exists as love and out of this love he creates and sustains all things. God is great: He is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever present, unchanging, completely worthy of our trust, and above all, Holy. God is good: He is a loving Father, compassionate, and faithful to His people and His promises. [Mic drop]. 1 John 4:8; John 3:16; Acts 17:28; Numbers 23:19; 1 Peter 1:15-16; 2 Timothy 2:13
Jesus of Nazareth, just so you don’t confuse Him with the Jesus next door, is both fully God and fully human, yet he has no sin. He exists as the eternal Son, born of a virgin and willingly died on a cross, and after three days He rose from the grave. In doing this, Jesus fulfilled the payment for the world’s debt of sin. Jesus will return for the church. Jn. 10:30; 20:28; Lk. 1:31-35. Phil. 2:6-8; 1 Cor. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rev. 1:4-6; 22:12-13
The Holy Spirit is a person with a mind, a will, and emotions. He has been given to every believer as a guarantee of their future hope, and as a divine counselor, and teacher. We believe as people pursue relationship with the Holy Spirit it fuels greater intimacy with God and empowers the believer for effective ministry.
Eph. 1:13; 4:30; Acts 16:6; Jn. 14:16-17;26
About People
God created people in His image, male and female. Everyone matters to God, so everyone matters to us. Gen. 1:26-27; 5:1-2
All people are born sin-sick and in need of divine healing. Gen. 3:14-19; Rom. 3:23
Jesus is the only way. We affirm Scripture which states, that Jesus is the only way, yet inclusive to ALL people. He alone provides spiritual healing and forgiveness to those who trust in him. Simply put, salvation comes by grace through faith in Christ alone. Jn. 3:16-17; Jn. 14:16; Acts 4:12; Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8-9
About the Bible, and the Church
Confused when reading the Bible? Ask the Holy Spirit for help. After all, the Bible is the very word of God and He will make it relevant to your life. And, yes, we hold the Bible as the supreme authority in all matters. 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:21
The Church is not an organization; it’s an organism comprised of all those who have said, “YES” to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
For our full doctrinal statement, please click here.
Portrait is a non-denominational church in North Texas, serving Celina, Prosper, Aubrey, Pilot Point, McKinney, Weston, Gunter, Van Alstyne, and beyond.